blah blah blah
AHHH....schoool is killing me....yes here we go again...another post about school. =P I fell asleep in geo again. -_- and I missed the answer to some question and now I dont understand it. I'm gonna feel so stupid when I ask my teacher what the answer is again tomorrow. -_-. On a brighter note, I don't have to get any needles before I go to Hong Kong! =D yay...I hate needles. I remember one year, I got a letter from school saying that I was missing like 6 shots and that I would be suspended if I didn't take them. I didn't really care at that I ignored it. AND THEN...I got another letter a week before my suspension date reminding me to get all 6 shots before the end of the weeek. o_o....I didn't think that they'd actually suspend me. =P But w/e I found out that I got them all done before its just that they weren't on my york region records cuz I was from a school outside of york region. gaynesss. -_-. ya...
So anyways...I'm suppose to be doing my powerpoint presentation on Warren Buffet...but I"m not. =P I thought he died....and I told my teacher that....I also thought he owned Dairy Queen. HAHA...I dont know where I got all that from. Turns out...he's not dead...and he doesn't own dairy queen. -_-. I reallly need to research more. But anyhow, I'm excited for this powerpoint presentation. =D I like presenting. It makes me all giddy inside. =) yarse yarse. I also get to present an article on Monday for accounting. =D yaya so excited. But I really should start looking for articles now. -_- I saved up stacks and stacks of newspaper over the span of 2 weeks and didn't throw them out and my parents are getting annoyed by the big pile of newspapers. SOO...I must find articles tonight. Yup yup....
p.s. I failed three kids in my swimming classes and I feeel kinda bad. =/ ...but they kinda suck. =P
edit - I hate my hair. >=[ + I hate hair dressers. goodbye.
AHHH....schoool is killing me....yes here we go again...another post about school. =P I fell asleep in geo again. -_- and I missed the answer to some question and now I dont understand it. I'm gonna feel so stupid when I ask my teacher what the answer is again tomorrow. -_-. On a brighter note, I don't have to get any needles before I go to Hong Kong! =D yay...I hate needles. I remember one year, I got a letter from school saying that I was missing like 6 shots and that I would be suspended if I didn't take them. I didn't really care at that I ignored it. AND THEN...I got another letter a week before my suspension date reminding me to get all 6 shots before the end of the weeek. o_o....I didn't think that they'd actually suspend me. =P But w/e I found out that I got them all done before its just that they weren't on my york region records cuz I was from a school outside of york region. gaynesss. -_-. ya...
So anyways...I'm suppose to be doing my powerpoint presentation on Warren Buffet...but I"m not. =P I thought he died....and I told my teacher that....I also thought he owned Dairy Queen. HAHA...I dont know where I got all that from. Turns out...he's not dead...and he doesn't own dairy queen. -_-. I reallly need to research more. But anyhow, I'm excited for this powerpoint presentation. =D I like presenting. It makes me all giddy inside. =) yarse yarse. I also get to present an article on Monday for accounting. =D yaya so excited. But I really should start looking for articles now. -_- I saved up stacks and stacks of newspaper over the span of 2 weeks and didn't throw them out and my parents are getting annoyed by the big pile of newspapers. SOO...I must find articles tonight. Yup yup....
p.s. I failed three kids in my swimming classes and I feeel kinda bad. =/ ...but they kinda suck. =P
edit - I hate my hair. >=[ + I hate hair dressers. goodbye.
hahha it's ok! i remember when my teacher failed me in Green three times! THREE! he felt no remorse, i tell you, NO REMORSE!!!
haha...i got the suspension letter too!! but i just needed to give them an updated shot record. ahh, no needles for meeee!!
i don't even think i've gotten all my shots....
but they didn't tell me anything.....
so uh. ya.
dre dre...are you coming to church friday? because if you're not then i need to write your plane letter today/tonight/tomorrow morning, and give it to you tomorrow...
i like needles..i like watching the needle going into my flesh..or watch the blood come out when i get blood tests.
you got a hair cut?
hi dre
bye dre
gl on exams dre. ^^
AH IT'S SOO PINK.... yeah blog surfing to avoid work.. wooot. hmm i'd actually say something err productive, but your post was dec, so naaaa... i'll probably see you around sometime later. until then.. stay in school?? (can't think of anything else to say)
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