Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I really shouldnt be on the computer right now. And I really shouldn't be blogging either...but I guess I will. =P I really need a break from school. And I need sleep...and I just want to fall alseep and go to some lala land where I can do whatever I want like sleep and watch t.v. for countless hours while my brain learns everything I need to in my courses so that I can get perfect on everything! =D....Then when I feel like it's the time to, I will wake up and go back to reality and school. =P wow....that would be nice if I could do that. =)

I think I am growing an interest for volleyball now. o_O....yes...I know....I said that it was the worst sport ever created...moving a ball around while injuring your arms...but doesnt seem so bad right now. =/ Maybe I will continue to like it...maybe I wont. =P I just know that I want to find a new sport!! lol I need to do something that will wake me up ...anything. o_o...My teacher caught me sleeping in class...again! I kinda fell over ...but I thought I hid it pretty well by pretending that I was putting my face closer to the my notes and frantically writing. was so odd...Okay, right now, it is 10:05 pm...and ya know what? Maybe I'll just take a shower now and then go to sleep....yes I will!!! oh goodness....its so early. o_o....I need to keep a habit of sleeping earlier. I'll start today. =) But then I wont be done all my tutor work and studying for tests on friday. o_o. hmmmmmm I think I will go to my lala land now. =)


Blogger Jo said...

yayyy volleyball! :) it's a lot of fun (despite my somewhat traumatic experiences in first year)... we should play! um... at church? when we have a gym night? hehe =) rika and i keep hoping they'll play vball on gym nights, but i haven't been home since... forever... =P

sleep early! =) i slept in today. sooooo relaxing...

6:03 AM  
Blogger seese said...

hi andrea.

volleyball is fun 8D

if you don't get hit by the ball.

and if you don't stupidly hit yourself with the ball (like when you're going to bump it.. but then you hit it too far up on your arm and it bounces off and hits you in your face) (like me)...(it was stupid)

(don't laugh)

hahahah, i was watching this guy who sits in front of me keel over today. it was so gradual and i was constantly giggling. hahaha. his head is so straight... and then it eventually tilts to the left. there's a guy sitting on his left so that guy constantly smacks him when the sleeping guy's head touches that guys shoulder. it's so funny...

but yes.

anyhow, have fun sleeping early. i haven't been sleeping early for these 2 nights. but i will try today?

i like tv.

mmm 8d

6:23 PM  
Blogger mo said...

volleyball!!! ^^ i think its a very cool sport almost as cool as softball. if you feel like being a volley baller you can borrow my short shorts^^ LOL. you could also borrow my jersey..but it says mackenzie on we have time..we should play volleyball after church yahyah??

8:52 PM  
Blogger jonchen said...

NO FOR VOLLEYBALL....VOLLEYBALL SUCKS MORE THAN SOCCER...well not really...Worst: football, then soccer then volleyball :p
The Best: softball/baseball and then basketball/badminton!oo...dodgeball is awesome too, except i don't think you can count it so much as a sport :p know what to do to wake yourself up...go outside in the middle of the night without a jacket and SCREAM AND RUN AROUND! i love doing that! hahaha, well i would love to do that, but then i'll wake up everyone.....and then i have to turn off the security, then turn it back on when i get back inside, lol, but my dad would still be awake o.o, unless it was like 1:30 or later

8:48 AM  

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