Back in the Days
Today I refused to go to work. =D...and instead I went to the library, did some homework, went home, watched some t.v. and then ended up going through my picture album and laughing at all the pictures where my brother and I did stupid things when we were small. lol While I was doing that, I happened to flip through a whole bunch of pictures of church friends when they were younger. =D haha alot of them were funny cuz the kids in the pics reallly dont look like what they do now. And some of them...they just looked funny. lol

Joanna, Joseph, Brian, Christina, Jerry HAHAHA, Jon, me and Peggy.

hehe chubby alfred =)

Andrea, Renny, Brian, and Victoria. =D

Joseph, Joanna, Renny, Andrea, Brian, Victoria, Jonathan. =D

hehe I thought this was cute. =D Kindergarten diploma. HAHA

=) I like this picture. I think we were trying to build a moat. hahah who knows...

haha this one makes me laugh cuz I tried so hard to make a bubble.
Anyhow, I got my braces off yesterday and teeth feel sooo smooth. =) I could lick them all day. haha The thing is I have to wear retainers now and it doesn't feel so great. =/ meh... lol After the orthodontist removed my braces, they used this metal thingy to scrape the gluey paste off of my teeth cuz it hardened. And while they were doing that, I felt like they were ripping my teeth out. o_o oh my was a scary the day taht I went to my dermatologist and they had to an incision on my forehead. HAHAHA....maybe i'll tell that story another time. =P Anyhow, I'm so very happy now cuz I have so much more time do my homework and just relax. =) I'm glad. OHHHHH
Guess who I saw at the Dufferin Clark Community Centre today? =O =D. HAHA CALVIN!!!! eee...he's so cute. haha. He's taking swimming lessons there and guess what? He's coming back for vbc next year. =) Although...I dont think I will be helping out. hahah YAY, anyhow I"ll finish this later with even more pics. =)
lol! YES! rebel against school and homework =D
hahaha! you guys were all so very very cute^^.
congrats on your smooth straight teeth :) i like wearing my retainers. i only need to wear them at night though, so its not so "mah fan"
you have more time to do your homework and relax because your braces are out? VBC is/was FUN!
hahha renny is very cute! so is your brother but i've always thought that ever since i saw his picture on your fridge.
where have the old days gone? T_T
i wish i could just go back in time and experience early childhood again, free from responsibilities and worries.
guess that'll never happen..bleh
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! so cuteeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha jonw and you are both so adorable XD sooo sooooo cuuuutee!! i couldnt stop looking at you guys. so chubby~~ heheheh..
i think renny still looks the same. hahaa. well not really.. less of the chubby cheeks. but ya, he's a cute kid. haha.
GERRY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!! OMG THAT'S JUST MADE MY DAY XD XD XD!! have you shown him that pic? at first i thought he was the one with his head turned but then i'm like.. who's that chubby kid o_O and then i realized. hahahahah.
aww, i like the picture with you guys in a row, the one with renny in it. you guys are all so cute XD heheheheheh adorable~~~ and is that spiderman jonw's showing off? haha so cute!! X)
oo smooth teeth for you now muahaha. now you can smile normally for pictures!! =P heheeh
HAHAAHAHA I love those pics. I think i had that one of us all lined up... i have a strong suspicion that my mom made us line up by height like that! lol
YAY for no more braces! :) now you get to talk funny with a retainer... muhahaha... just joking. It's probably not that bad. Just remember not to wrap it in tissue and you're fine :) I kept throwing mine out and had to keep digging through the garbage to find it. (eeewww)
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