Monday, September 18, 2006

Currently Dying

Two weeks of school has come and gone, and already, I feel like I'm half dead. = [ And someone, plz smack me silly cuz I'm not doing all my homework again. =/ I tried...but I just can't dooo it alll.. grrr Gosh...I said I wouldn't procrastinate and everything in grade 11 but it's sooo hard to carry out what I promised. grrrr I just want sleep. =] mmmm sleepings good...especially since I'm so short. haha. I wonder....if I start sleeping alot now, will I grow at least 2 more inches to the average height of girls...or is it too late and am I already past the growing stage. -_-....cuz that would be pretty sad. I'd be 5"2 for...the rest of my life!!! =S goodness gracious... oh welll....being asian gives me somewhat of an excuse to be that short. =) yes ...there we go. That makes me feel alot better. mm hmmm =) .

Anyhow, tomorrow has a 90% chance of rain... and that's NOT suppose to happen!! >=[ noooo.... anyday but not tomorrow. grrr I thought the rain would stop by tomorrow considering that it rained alot today. =/ Guess not. hmm... I have a little secret to tell. You know how Chinese restaurants aren't that great cuz we all know that if the waiter/cook drops some food, they'll wipe it off and still serve it to customers? Well...I've realized how similar that is to a pharmacy. hahaha its really disgusting. I dropped a couple of pills today on the floor, my manager saw, and told me to pick it back up, clean it off with tissue and reuse it. -_-. eww... Anyhow, conclusion of the day: Chinese restaurants and pharmacies are no good. =/ Well...I guess I can't say that cuz for all we know, white restaurants could be like that too. o_O.

Alritey, I'm gonna stuff my face full of books now. =P And maybe ....just maybe I'll have enough sleep and won't look like a panda tomorrow. o_o


Blogger mo said...

hey dre...haha WHY ARE YOU STILL WORKING?!?!?! i thought you quit when school started..but then i found out that you went to work after service.

so before when you dropped the pills, what did you do with them? throw them away? haha...its a little unsettling, because people buy the pills and drugs to get better, not to get even sicker (well depending how dirty your floors are..)

ok, now to reply your reply on my blog: wanting an older sister, you should have asked your mom for a younger sister but it would be a 50/50 chance..then it would be relatively possible..haha
things are still alittle tough at times...but talking about it with people really helps, and getting feedback =) i guess i just need faith, and i guess confidence too..but its really hard because im not 100% sure..and ya..
haha..alrighty ill spam you on msn if im still struggling, and we can all struggle together!! hahaha!!
ya, i agree, everything we focused on was for the team, and we kind of forgot about ourselves..things were tough for you in the summer? should have spammed can still spam almost always not doing much on

dont die in school, remember to set aside time to eat, sleep, and shower!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

nah, don't worry - us girls don't stop growing (height, bones, etc.) until we reach our twenties... so there is still hope for another inch yet! in 6 years, my doctor reported that I grew another 1/4 of an inch... -_-"

..*gasp* is this true?! you're still working?! i thought you quit too! boo... be careful of your scheduling. Mo's right - make sure you have time to eat, sleep and shower... the "essentials", I'd say, to help keep you physically healthy to do the rest of the stressful work you have to do! :) keep up the hard work, i know you can do it!

5:20 PM  
Blogger Elena said...


7:52 PM  
Blogger seese said...


well, thing is, all girls' growth spurt stops around 16.

so you wont be growing 2 inches any sooner ^^

i'm right at avg. thank God. i wish i was taller, though. hmm, i'll say... 3 more inches and that's it. PLZ GIVE ME 3 MORE INCHES! ONLY 3!! T___T or at least, a shorter bf. hahahaha.

i haven't grown much since grade six. i thought that we had another growth spurt around 21 but i researched and it said that girls stop growing at the age of 16. i think my whole day was ruined.

sigh... 3 inches. *shakes head* what a dream.

i need to find a job.

3:09 PM  
Blogger kevvvvvvvvvv said...

Harrharr, any amount of sleep isn't gonna help you're stuck forever =). But don't still have chances to grow..just not vertically..horizontally..yes. On all sides.. on the horizontal plane. =) Anyway, dropping pills and poisoning your customers. Terrible.. tsk tsk. =0 and i see you're having fun during schoool. haha gr 12..i'll have to laugh at you since it doesnt matter for me if i dont finish hwk :D. anyway well back to working for me..gotta build up those stupid worth habits so I wont be like you when i get to gr 12 :D=)

3:24 PM  

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